Treasured Friends

Recently I have been asked, “What are you going to miss most about Germany?” After giving this question much serious thought, I would have to respond, “Friends & Family.” One of the most valuable parts of our lives is relationships, which we sometimes take for granted.

My best friend is my sister Sunny, Ever since we were puppies, we have had a very intimate relationship. As is normal in canine families, we were raised by our birth parents (see photo to the left) until we were old enough to be adopted by our human families. I think that I resemble our father (left), whereas Sunny favors our mother (right). Since both Sunny and I were fortunately adopted by families who live Hannover, we have been able to keep in touch. I will definitely miss her the most.


Anton, a small Jack Russel with a hard head and a big heart, is also a cherished friend. In spite of our differences, we also have a very close relationship. I love the picture of him dressed up for his family’s wedding. He looks so proud of his tie! Playing tug-of-war with him only works if I let him win.



I treasure all of my friends here in Germany, and I will obviously miss you when we leave. However, I have recently discovered how convenient it is to stay in touch per Internet. I am delighted that we will still be able to easily share in each other’s lives. So please feel free to keep in touch per e-mail, Facebook, or Skype. I look forward to hearing from all of you.


Traveling in: Rothenburg, Germany

Countdown to Take-Off: 5 days.

Categories: Friends & Family, Germany | Tags: , , , , , | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “Treasured Friends

  1. They must have soo much fun together. Wish my Skye had a buddy, but not for a while yet anyway.

  2. Elizabeth, BS

    5 days!!!??? WOW!!! I’ll be praying for safe travels!

I look forward to hearing from you.

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