Posts Tagged With: Germany

The 4th of July

33.01WreathFlags and fireworks, parades and picnics…

During the past few weeks, red, white and blue decorations have appeared all over the country. On the 4th of July, everything stops in order for Americans to celebrate their Independence Day.







33.02Party1In Germany my family used to also celebrate this event with lots of friends, food and fanfare. The largest party we hosted was attended by 300 people and 8 of my canine friends. All of the decorations and even much of the food had an American flag theme.

Our German friends embracing the spirit of the celebration

Our German friends embracing the spirit of the celebration

By midnight I was usually tired of the festivities.

By midnight I was usually tired of the festivities.


This is my first 4th of July holiday in the USA. Consequently, I have been collecting some initial impressions as the country gears up for this major holiday. Since Americans are so fiercely patriotic, the flag, which is their symbol of political freedom, is a common sight throughout the year. Leading up to the 4th of July holiday, however, the stars and stripes are even more prolific. Flags as well as a multitude of decorations adorn buildings and houses. “Red, White & Blue” is the common theme which appears on clothes, caps, towels and blankets.

Patriotism is not only encompassed in the things Americans wear and what they do, but it is also expressed by the products which are purchased… or at least that is what the advertisers want you to believe. In order to prove that a company and its products are very patriotic, special designs and enticing advertisements are created in honor of the celebration. I have chosen three companies which exemplify this phenomenon.

Did you know that cases of Coca-Cola can be arranged to represent the American flag?

Did you know that cases of Coca-Cola can be arranged to represent the American flag?

Kellogg’s has created a special Pop Tart flavor and design for the season.

Kellogg’s has created a special Pop Tart flavor and design for the season.

Did you know that drinking Budweiser is patriotic? (The advertisement’s subliminal message) By the way, how large do you think this ad is? (See next picture!)

Did you know that drinking Budweiser is patriotic? (The advertisement’s subliminal message) By the way, how large do you think this ad is? (See next picture!)

Don’t you want to go out and buy some “Buds” for your 4th of July party?

Don’t you want to go out and buy some “Buds” for your 4th of July party?

Tonight the sky will light up with thousands of firework displays. I have always enjoyed watching the bright colorful lights streaking across the sky. It is almost as much fun as chasing the red dot of a laser pointer across the floor.

33.11 4th-July.

Have a Happy 4th of July!


Traveling in: Monroe, Louisiana

One the road: 296 days


Categories: Friends & Family, Germany, USA, USA South | Tags: , , , , , , | 2 Comments

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