Boxes, Boxes, Boxes

I don’t understand why many dogs consider the postman to be an enemy. I am delighted when he rings the bell. That usually means that he has something to deliver which is bigger than a letter – a box! Amazon deliveries usually come in just the right kind of box…not too big and not too small. I excitedly greet the delivery man and wait impatiently as the contents are removed. Then, my self-appointed job is to “kill” the box! I run around the house shaking it, (running into walls and furniture if the box is too big.) Then the box must be torn into little pieces so that it can be properly disposed of. (This is really a fun activity. You should try it sometime.)

This love of boxes developed a few years ago when new furniture arrived in large boxes. Shredding those large boxes took a bit of time and help from the humans in the family. Ripping, tearing, shredding…it satisfies some deep inner urge, AND it was legal! As a puppy when I shredded a few of the files in the office, it was not greatly appreciated. But this time I was allowed to shred and rip to my heart’s content. Oh, the glorious mess that was caused!  For that reason, I was afraid that I wouldn’t be allowed to continue this activity. However, after some discussion with the family, it was agreed that I could continue to shred the unwanted boxes as long as I picked up the mess. I am sure no kid likes to pick up his toys after he has so beautifully shrewd them all over the house. Therefore, one of my conditions for this activity was to receive some small bit of compensation for the effort. Every time I pick up a piece of cardboard and deliver it, I receive a small treat. In this way, all of our needs are satisfied.

(Imagine dramatic music.) Then at the beginning of this year, something strange happened! Boxes started arriving which were not supposed to be shredded! They were originally left empty and lonely. Slowly the family has started filling, packing and stacking. Just like when the family pulls out the suitcases and starts packing, a certain amount of unease sets in. This change in boxing procedure has been some cause for concern since it goes against the natural order of things. However, I have been assured that this is part of the natural process of moving.

Fortunately, Amazon keeps sending boxes which are too small to be used in the packing process.

Traveling in: Hanover, Germany

Countdown to Take-Off:  71 days

Categories: Hobbies & Play, Jobs & Work | Tags: | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “Boxes, Boxes, Boxes

  1. Elizabeth, BS

    Angel, You are such a help to your family and to the recycling industry. Every little bit helps. I know it is hard to understand incoming empty boxes, but imagine the fun on the other end… ripping them all to smitherines! I’ll bet you’ll get pretty sick of it after the first few. Haven’t heard from your friend, Becks, lately. Hope she’s purring along…

    • It’s true…too many boxes at once takes some of the excitment out of the process. Usually, my boxes arrive in such intervals that each one is exciting.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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